SEED practices allow non-profits to align their daily actions with their long-term vision for deep and far-reaching impact.

Theory of Change On Its Feet™
Envision your plans, track your impact, and report the results you always dreamed of achieving.
Social Emotional Learning
Use a data-driven approach to accelerate youth development.

SEEDing Effective Communication™
Develop and communicate powerful messages.
SEED Impact is taking root in hundreds of leadership teams. Organizations of all sizes with widely different missions report new insight, sharper focus, enlivened teamwork, and immediate performance improvements that become self-sustaining over time.
Their SEED Impact reports attract financial resources--that's the end game!
Our intent is to seed the nonprofit sector’s transformation towards sustained higher performance and improved ability to credibly report social impact.
“The SEED process helps us connect our beliefs and our work to our vision. It’s creative, and it is clarifying our power.”
– Federation of Protestant
Welfare Agencies
“SEED’s structure has given us intentionality in how we approach what we do, and it has increased our accountability to each other. This has really helped us move things.”
– Summer Search
“SEED has provided tools for a new way of strategic planning. It has allowed us to approach our work not as departments working against deadlines with proposed targets, but rather as a cohesive team working towards a unified vision.”
– Business Outreach
Center Network