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Melinda Lackey

Updated: Apr 14, 2020

We are all adjusting to a different way of life. Fear of a highly contagious new virus is one challenge. Enforced physical distance is another. Grief is a significant thing, too. Is our world crashing around us? I think not. Indeed, the stock market has taken a dive. But wealth is not why we are here, is it?

It is a choice each moment: Will I worry about a million things I cannot control outside myself? Or will I turn inward and double-up my spiritual practice? When I focus outwards, as you might imagine, I get riled up in federal bailout issues. I worry about the nonprofits we serve at SEED Impact. What will become of millions of nonprofits who, like SEED Impact, provide far-reaching community services on very small budgets? Especially fiscally-sponsored projects, like ours, that don't qualify for federal relief. Economic crisis is our norm; we live in full-out service to people in need. Will it get even harder? How will we continue?

The key, I find, is to turn inward, be silent, and connect with the ground of being, unlimited Love.

Are you tapped into a virtual community that supports your spiritual practice? I'm convinced that the practice of "being love" is more important than anything in life. Our team at SEED Impact wants to tell you about nonprofits that spread a lot of love:

Introducing Agassiz Village. Agassiz Village is a stellar not-for-profit that creatively offers a summer camp experience as an opportunity for children to develop leadership and social-emotional competencies. With a mission to prepare youth for life's journey, Agassiz Village provides girls and boys from under-served communities throughout Greater Boston with an unforgettable, life-changing overnight summer camp experience in Poland, Maine.

Building on its 83-year history of offering industry-leading programming, four years ago Agassiz Village kicked up its visionary work even further by integrating Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into its arts and crafts, field games, swimming and boating activities. Enter SEED Impact. It is a joy to apply our approach to SEL outcomes measurement to programs that deliver SEL so earnestly. Children experience the summer of their lives in a stunningly beautiful setting and, after just two weeks, find themselves up to 20 percent more equipped for school and life success!

An Invitation: Give to The SEED Fund. Every gift to The SEED Fund is tax-deductible and allows us to equip nonprofits like Agassiz Village with what they need to envision, measure, report and scale outcomes. Wishing you peace in these tumultuous times.

May we all keep the faith ... and spread the love – it grows and grows!


Melinda Lackey is Co-founder and Director of SEED Impact, which has assisted more than 250 diverse nonprofit initiatives to communicate and coordinate action more efficiently, sustain higher performance and achieve greater social impact.

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