Robin Adams, MSW
Robin Adams is from Bronx, New York, where her employment history also began at Jacobi Medical Center(NYC Health and Hospital Corporation). She was employed for 14 years as a Laboratory Assistant, until her son was born. He is now 19 years old, a sophomore at Dominican College. While working for Jacobi Medical Center Robin began pursuing a degree in Social Work. She graduated from Lehman College Bronx, NY with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work in 2002 and began working as a Case Planner at Catholic Guardian Services, where she continued for 12 years. Continually advancing her education, Robin graduated from Fordham University School of Social Work with a Master’s Degree in Social Work in 2005. Career advancements offered by Catholic Guardian have attributed to her passion, perseverance, dedication and commitment to Children and Families. She is currently pursuing her LMSW Licensure.
“I am thrilled to be involved with a group of inspired, talented and passionate individuals who understand how essential it is to support and work in partnership with our Foster and Adoptive Parents. By forming and creating this new initiative, it will provide a comprehensive source of communication between Foster and Adoptive Parents and the Child Welfare System. This initiative comes forth with great dedication to improving present and future outcomes of Child abuse and Neglect Allegations that are brought against Foster and Adoptive Parents.”

Antoinette Sumter-Cotman, MPA, Founder/President Share
Family Supports, Inc.
Antoinette Sumter-Cotman, MPA, is Founder/President of Share Family Supports, Inc., a foster and adoptive parent network which provides training, parent/family advocacy, family respite and youth programs. She is a licensed foster parent for over 30 years and an adoptive parent of three, birthparent of four and care giver to many more. MS Cotman is a trained Therapeutic Foster Parent and GPS MAPP Trainer. She is a retired Administrative Coordinator of the Occupational Therapy Program at York College, CUNY. Affiliations include: National Foster Parent Association (NFPA) Region 2 Vice President; NFPA Scholarship Committee Chair; Board Member, New York State Citizens Coalition for Children (NYSCCC); member of the Jamaica Community Partnership, and President of Foster/Adoptive Parents Association (FAPA).
“I am so pleased to be a part of the Sustainable Parents Institute and Network, making a positive difference in providing information and support to strengthen families while keeping children safe.”

DIANNE MACK, LCSW, MSNPL is the Lead consultant for Creative Social Solutions, a training and consulting group specializing in personal, professional and workforce development for social and human service professionals and organizations. She serves as the Lead Catalyst Leader for Sustainable Parents Institute & Network (SPIN), an advocacy and support project with a mission to support parents, strengthen families and promote family and community wellbeing. She is an adjunct instructor at Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service, experienced nonprofit administrator, board member of faith and nonprofit organizations and a social work leader. Dianne is dedicated to the encouragement and growth of others through kind and strategic leadership, serving as coach, mentor, and trainer of community leaders, advocates, professionals and social work students. She is a graduate of the inaugural class of Fordham University’s Center for Nonprofit Leadership, a doctoral student at NYU Silver School of Social Work and the current chair of the New York City Chapter of The Network for Social Work Management.
"SPIN is on target for generating thoughtful, systemic, integrated and planned responses for supporting foster parents, families and staff thereby creating increased quality experiences for children and families dealing with foster care in child welfare.
The Sustainabile Parents Institute and Network represents the collective dream of individuals who are committed to effect positive changes in the experiences of children in care and the people who care for them. I am because the leadership team members are fearless, motivated and responsive visionaries."

Denise Royal,
Permanency Specialist
& LGBT Recruiter
Denise Royal is a Permanency Specialist, MAPP Trainer and the new LGBT recruiter for You Gotta Believe, the only adoption agency in New York City that focuses exclusively on finding forever families for youth aged 10-21 before they age out of the foster care system. She is an alumni of YGB, having adopted her daughter through their program at the age of 14. She is also a custodial "grand Parent" to her 6 year-old granddaughter. Denise's experience, not only with her daughter, but the youth she advocates for, is the reason she has stepped forward to work with SPIN. "Every person who touches the lives of youth in care leaves an impression on them, whether positive or negative. I want to ensure that each and every adult who comes forward to foster and/or adopt knows the difference they make in the healing process for our youth and is empowered to make the greatest positive impact possible!"

Munteesa Stockhausen,
Foster Boarding Home Coordinator,
New York Foundling
Munteesa Stockhausen oversees 600 kinship and non-kinship foster homes throughout the five boroughs. She has over 10 years of extensive experience working with families and youths in crises at different stages of their lives. She also serves as a consultant with Episcopal Social Services. Munteesa is a strong believer in rehabilitation and prevention, strengthening of the communities as well as prevention of recidivism through support and education.

Wayne W. Woodburn, LMSW,
Leake & Watts Services, Inc.
SPIN Co-Catalyst Leader
Wayne W. Woodburn is a licensed master social worker (LMSW) who has been working with children and families for over 25 years. He is currently employed with a non-profit agency as a supervisor. Wayne supervises the Homefinding Unit, Case Planners, Crisis Intervention Worker and the Family Team Conference Facilitators. He has a passion for working with foster parents, and is an advocate for improving the relationship between the agency’s staff and the foster parents. For the past 10 years he has served as an unofficial liaison between the agency’s foster parents association and the agency.
“I am committed to working with children and families and excited about the work SPI has undertaken. I hope that my involvement with SPIN will have a positive impact on the various populations with which I work, especially foster parents throughout New York State.”